Users will have to use ATAK, while the ADMIN uses the online server. it is a join effort that uses a lot of communication. decide who your admin is going to be before proceeding. I will have everything in order, just follow the tabs below (the admin and the user have to take turns on their steps)

These first two steps will seem like they are all you need, but if you do not go to the next page, anyone will be able to access your server without credentials.


In the web ui, go to the user tab on the left hand side.

click add user on the right.

give them a name, using their callsign is an easy way to keep track

group and token are both "user"

give them a complex password. it will not have to be written down as it is sent to them as a datapackage in ATAK

certs: true

device type: mobile

click submit


The user will now open ATAK

click the top right menu


network preferences

server connections

network preferences

manage server connections

click the 3 dots in the top right

click Add

name it whatever you want

address is the ipv4 ip that the admin uses to access the web ui

click advanced settings

protocol is TCP

port is 8087

click okay and you will be connected

continue to the next page for assigning SSL certificates (this adds password protected users to your server so you can close the 8087 port)

Last updated