This is the most useful tool in my opinion, and the one I use the most. I use it to mark the most important locations such as work, my house, my storage unit, etc. in case of some kind of long term power/ internet outage.

to select different points, open the tool and then swipe left and right, or click the title box in the top of the menu. it will be called "markers", but it changes depending on the markers selected


use the point dropper to mark things such as destroyed buildings, flooded roads, blocked routes, etc

Can be used to plan locations to meet up in the event of an emergency or evacuate to.

use to mark houses that have been cleared of survivors


yellow clover to mark persons of interest or gunfire that is not confirmed friendly or enemy

red diamond for known threats

blue rectangle for friendly

green square is for neutral

I have never participated in force on force, so I am only telling you what NATO uses the symbols for. If you use any of my advice in this guide in combat, you will die.


The point dropper is great for marking hidden areas and secret watering holes you find on hikes, as well as marking where you parked your car in a new city.

A GREAT way to use ATAK is in foreign countries that do not have reliable cell service (such as on a cruise) to mark your ship location at the port, the restaurants you visit, as well as other POIs.

Last updated